The Wardrobe Consultant | Hallie Abrams

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The Number One Reason Why It Can Feel So Hard To Get Dressed

After working with literally thousands of women (yes, I’ve been at this wardrobe consulting thing for a LOOONG time - 16+ years!!). And now working with groups of women coaching my signature online styling course - it’s fabulous, btw! Even though I created it and am leading the course, I am continually amazed to see the growth and transformations that are happening with the women participating. The empowerment, confidence, and all-around joy that is being built is really amazeballs!!

But, back to the topic at hand… The number one reason I see that women struggle getting dressed each day is this… and you might be surprised by the answer. 

You have too many choices. Read that again - there is just too much in your closet!

Yup, there is even a technical word for it, decision fatigue. 

According to Healthline, Decision fatigue refers to that weary feeling you get after being faced with too many decisions. 

And while a person may have decision fatigue in other areas of their life, I have seen it time and time again as it interferes with a person’s ability to get dressed easily and with confidence. 

There are too many choices, so it’s hard to know what to pick. You can’t see the forest for the trees. 

So, what’s the fix? A closet cleanse…

Editing out the things you don’t wear or what’s uncomfortable, or worn out or just does not bring you joy, will open space for the good stuff to shine.


January is a time of renewal, resolutions, and resetting. And while doing a closet cleanse can seem like as much fun as a visit to the dentist… Once it’s completed, it’s the best, most freeing feeling in the world.

It’s that overused saying that is used so often because it’s so true… A closet full of clothes but nothing to wear. Doing a closet cleanse is the first and most important step to getting out of that rut. 

Because buying a new (fill in the blank… top, pants, dress, jacket) will not solve the problem if there is too much to choose from. It will actually compound the problem.

How To Do Your Own Closet Cleanse:

1. Set aside 2-3 hours

Yes, it’s a long time but it’ll set you up for success. And in my experience, if you have an average size closet, you will be able to complete the entire task in that time.

2. Get a rolling rack.

This one is my favorite and what I use when I meet with styling clients. It folds down flat for easy storage. It is super sturdy. And is also perfect for packing planning and as a coat rack when you have a party.

3. Take everything out of your closet by category.

Take everything (yes, everything) out of your closet. But not all at once. For example, take all of the tops out and hang them on the rack. This will allow you to see what you have in that category truly. To assess what is redundant and see what holes are in each category.

4. Keep notes.

As you’re going through each category, take notes (I like to use the notes app on my phone). What is worn yet loved that needs to be replaced? What do you feel is missing once you look comprehensively at what you have?

5. Decide what stays and what goes

When deciding what should stay and what should go - use my handy guide to help with the decision-making.

Everything should fall into one of these categories:

  1. Keep

  2. Store

  3. Fix (alter or clean)

  4. Giveaway (donate, sell, or consign)

6. Put it all back using these pro tips

  1. Keep items according to category - it is easier to look for a top in the tops section than look through the weekend or work clothes section. AND ideally, your clothes should serve multiple purposes in your life.

  2. Organize each section by color, dark to light or light to dark. Again, when getting dressed, it’s easier to look for a red top in the red tops section.

  3. If you’re extra OCD you can also organize by sleeveless to long-sleeved and short to long (for bottoms)

  4. Keep your formal wear and outerwear in a different closet if you have an extra. This allows you to have more space for the pieces you’re wearing every day. I mean, how often do you wear a gown or cocktail dress?

  5. Hang as much as possible - I know this to be true; if you can see it, you are more likely to wear it. Hanging allows you to see what you have.

The Benefits of Doing a Closet Cleanse

It creates order… and that has a ripple effect.

Meaning when there is order in one area of your life, that, in turn, spills over into other areas.

Pro tip: don’t take on too much at once. That will be overwhelming, and then nothing will get done. Just focus on your closet - trust me, the rest will follow.

You will get rid of the pieces that are taunting you.

  • Keeping the jeans that used to fit and that you hope to fit again one day is just a mind game. And not a good one - it’s a torturous taunt, reminding you of an unachieved goal. Who in their right mind wants to start their day with that? Get those pieces the f out of your closet ASAP!! 

  • The same goes for items with tags - either wear it or say goodbye. It’s just a reminder of a bad purchase and wasted money if you’re not wearing it.

  • Again, In order to grow, you have to let go.

You will have a sense of what you actually have.

Once you’ve touched everything in your closet, the items become top of mind again. You remember the t-shirt you used to love but have not seen in a while and can wear it. Think of it like rediscovering lost loves. And by doing so, you have “new” old pieces that invigorate your wardrobe when it comes time to get dressed.

You are left with the good stuff.

You are opening up space by removing items in your closet, taking up valuable space but not really being worn or loved. You are then left with the best of the best. If you do it right, only the good stuff remains. And from there, if you want or need to add items, it can be done with intention rather than in a panic because you feel like you have nothing to wear.

You will feel lighter.

Really, trust me on this. It happens every time. It is scary to say goodbye to clothes - there is often an emotional attachment. But once you do, there will be a spring in your step. You are literally getting rid of the gunk. Think of it like a facial for your closet - a pore cleaning of sorts.

Beware of this mistake:

Once you’ve gone through this process, PLEASE take the giveaways to their respective places ASAP. This is key. Do not fall into the trap of items you’ve already made the decision to say adios to - calling your name from the garbage bag and asking to come back. You already broke up and made the decision for a good reason - so stick with it. And get the gunk out of your home so you can continue to make progress.