The Wardrobe Consultant | Hallie Abrams

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No Buy January. What is it? How Do I Do it? And Why Should I Care?

The holiday season OVER! Thank goodness. December has a way of depleting you, physically, financially and even emotionally. I don’t know about you but I’ve been indulging way too much, basically since Thanksgiving. Eating, drinking, shopping - it’s been a little (ok, maybe a lot) out of control these past 6 weeks. Do ya feel me on that? 

So January has become a kind of detox month for me. It’s unlikely I’m going to completely stop drinking or having dessert (I will however cut back and be more mindful about my choices). But when it comes to shopping, I’m feeling all in (or actually out) on going cold turkey and abiding by a no-buy January. I did it last year and it was a nice way to reset for the new year.

The holidays have become a suspension of reality (calories and credit card debt do not count between November 27 - January 1, right?!?). All of the indulging feels slightly hedonistic, and amazing for a while - and then it feels kinda of gross. Like that stomach ache you get after eating cake, pie AND ice cream (yes, I’m speaking from first hand experience here). It tasted fabulous going down - but not so much later that night.

So What Exactly is No-Buy January?

The goal of the No-Buy January challenge is to spend money only on essentials for the month. So NO impulse shopping. i.e. none of the ugh I have nothing to wear I need to go buy something new kind of thing. Yes, you can buy food and medicine, like anything essential. But the other stuff is a hard NO. It’s a time to use what’s already there, focus on gratitude. In the end it’ll hopefully rewire the brain, engrain some new shopping habits AND save you money. 

There are all different takes on how to approach a no-buy January. Some people include no Starbucks runs or meals out. Some include a ban on beauty products or entertainment. And others like me, just focus on clothing (and shoes), makeup and unnecessary toiletries. There is no right or wrong - it’s a challenge of discipline and mindfulness that literally pays for itself in the end. You’ll be surprised how waiting to buy that dress that’s on sale and calling your name - makes it feel like not such a necessity.   

I’ll share some of the “rules” that have worked for me.

  1. Set up no-buy rules but do not completely deprive yourself - if you’re too strict, you might be setting yourself up for failure. The goal is to be successful and create new habits.

  2. For me, the key is no buying new clothes, make-up or unnecessary toiletries. I’m sure you’re not surprised, but I have enough of those already!!

  3. Groceries and paying bills are exceptions - we still need to eat and pay the bills.

  4. Take stock of what you have, and keep a list of what you feel you’d “want” to buy if you weren’t doing the challenge - this is a good time to see what you have, what you enjoy wearing and what feels like it’s missing. I actually keep a list of what I feel is missing, so I can act on it February 1!!

  5. Focus on creativity - spending the month using what you already have (if it’s food that’s in the freezer and pantry or clothes that have not had a lot of love recently) see what you can whip up with what’s already there.

No-buy January is the PERFECT TIME for a Shop Your Wardrobe Challenge

If you’re like me and the moment you purchase something new you want to wear it ASAP, then a no-buy month might feel like the excitement is gone from your closet. But, I’d like to reframe that, and propose a NEW and CREATIVE way to add excitement to your wardrobe.


It’s FREE and fun!

We will be keeping each other accountable and helping each other out with outfit ideas and styling tips in the PRIVATE  Facebook Group - join and introduce yourself!

While this challenge is inspired by the concept of No Buy January. My goal is not only to save money, but rather to really take stock of what I already own and get creative with the clothes I already have. After the month is over, I will have a better idea of what I actually wear and what I can get rid of.

There is a list we will be using to guide our outfit choices each day and help inspire us to shop our closets. Think of them as prompts. We know that things come up and you may need to wear something specific on certain days, so there is no pressure to follow this list in order. Use each prompt to inspire your outfit choice for the day, and try to complete all 31 challenges!

Let’s Do This TOGETHER!

Challenges are always more fun when you’re not doing it alone. Join the Facebook Group to chat about the daily challenges, to ask for styling help, and to help other challengers out as well!

I will also be posting my outfits of the day for the challenge on my Instagram stories, so be sure to follow my IG account!


How to Take A Good Mirror Selfie

I’m hoping you all will participate by posting your outfits in the Facebook group. And I also know that it can feel weird to take a mirror selfie and post it - so here are the tips I share with my clients (and that I use myself too).

  1. Lighting is KEY - Make sure the lighting is coming from behind the camera

  2. Use a full length mirror so that you can see your full body (shoes make or break the outfit)

  3. If possible, a plain background works best

  4. I like to stand with one foot a little in front of the other (it makes your legs look longer!)

  5. If you’re wearing darker colors, put your hand on your hip - it allows some negative space so the photo doesn't look like one big blob, lol.

  6. Have fun with it and don’t forget to smile!