The Wardrobe Consultant | Hallie Abrams

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Girl Crush - Jody Trostler, The Menopause Whisperer

I am so excited to introduce you to my January Girl Crush. Truth be told, I’m the one naming Jody the Menopause Whisperer, but that’s because I think she really is. Jody is on a serious mission to help educate and empower women struggling with the effects of menopause. 

Personally, the M word is kicking my a**. I’ve seen doctors, gone to specialists, read blogs and books, but Jody (I think because she was a teacher in her first life) is able to synthesize the info in a digestible way that makes it easy(ish) to understand. And she provides actionable steps, accountability and community. 

The program she’s offering is VIRTUAL - so you can opt in no matter where you’re physically located. And, it’s a SMALL group, so if you’re interested, sign up ASAP.

Last but not least, I’m participating in the January 2022 cohort of Ignite the Fire - so if you sign up, we can go thru it together (and you’ll see me at my worst because I completely lack discipline when it comes to exercise and eating - basically, I like to eat and don’t like to exercise, but it’s catching up with me). So this program is something I desperately need. 

Oh, and Jody is offering a $100 savings to TWC readers…use the code WARDROBE at check out!

So join me on the journey… and read more about Jody below.

The Deets on Jody…And the Ignite the Fire Masterclass

Jody is the mother of a teenage son and young adult daughter, dog mom and dog-lover, and wife to an amazing guy. In 2010 Jody left a full time, secure, 9-5 career to pursue her dream of helping others thrive and survive through fitness.  “I have never turned away a client because of their goals, or age. I love the challenge of working with a variety of clients. I still do, in my 1:1 training. I have worked with preteens and clients well into their late 80’s coming back from surgery or illness. Experiencing their progress and A-HA!! moments are the best feeling.”  

Jody’s most recent passion is for supporting and educating women about the menopause transition. Her new 12 week Online Group Masterclass, IGNITE THE FIRE! is for women entering the pre menopause years (late 30’s) and beyond. It is empowering women through fitness and nutrition to get their lives and bodies back from hormonal changes and struggles through STRENGTH, MOBILITY and NUTRIENT TIMING. The success of this program is driven by consistency and Jody coaches her clients individually and as a group through every step week by week. 

“The success of the program is built on baby steps and consistency. By the end of the 12 weeks the women do not want to stop and that shows me that lives are changing. You do need to spend 5-7 hours a week exercising for an hour at a time to get results. 4-5 days and 30 minutes of focused workout time around your schedule breeds success. It’s more about how you are spending your time during sessions as we need to be doing a certain type of exercise during this time to get results, and cardio is not going to cut it. This program is designed as a LIFEstyle changer. The power and pride that shines through the women who commit to change is infectious. They see the positive results and are thriving!” 

The Next Cohort begins late January 2022 - sign up ASAP because there are limited spots available - AND HALLIE IS PART OF THIS NEXT COHORT! We can go through it together!

(SPECIAL DISCOUNT for TWC readers - use code WARDROBE at checkout to save $100)

Jody is motivated by the endless and ever changing world of fitness and inspiring others of all ages to find their deep inner athlete, that drive to challenge the body’s mechanics in order to enjoy life for the long haul. Jody has a Masters degree in art which feeds her drive for creative programming for her clients and students. Her 25+ years of experience in the fitness industry offers her clients a breadth of knowledge in all aspects of fitness and a passion for encouraging and motivating her clients on their own personal journey.  

Jody is a Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor on the East Side of Cleveland and the founder of Just Train Personal Training LLC. In addition, Jody partners with other area local professionals for special events throughout the year.  

You can discover more about Jody on Instagram, her JUST TRAIN facebook group page, and her WOMEN ON FIRE PAGE, her most recent private facebook community for women 38-65 pre-post menopause. Find out about Jody’s other training offerings on her website!

Jody’s 5 Favorite Things

1. Selene Yeager

I have to begin with MY NEW GIRL CRUSH, Selene Yeager, professional cyclist, writer  and creator of my everything fitness and menopause go to podcast “Hit Play Not Pause”. It is AMAZING! Each week she interviews professional female athletes 45 yrs and beyond who discuss their struggles and wins, what they’ve learned and how they have overcome the stigma of menopause in their sport. She also interviews authors and medical professionals who have either written books relating to hormones or have a medical practice related to women and hormones.  

2. Trail running with my dogs in the Metroparks

Sunday is trail running day with my husband, two dogs- 10.5 yr. Goldendoodle Charlie and 1.5 yr Labradoodle Piper. We run all year long, usually meeting up with our trail running group at the South Chagrin Cleveland Metroparks. We are so blessed here in Cleveland to have an amazing public park system. The trails are well cared for and each park has its own individual character.

I started running trails after my first obstacle course race in 2017. I became a bit obsessed with the challenge of the trails and it has trained my body to use all muscles in all planes of motion. Jumping over water, balancing on rocks, scaling up hills and on and around tree roots is one of the best ways I have found to train my body for the unexpected. I encourage everyone to move in 360 degrees. The world does not operate in a straight line and we need to train our body for the unexpected.

Being outdoors in the fresh air and with nature, particularly when it comes to fitness is by far my favorite way to train. It’s so important to get outside and get fresh air both for the mind and body, particularly as we navigate our new world pandemic style. Having two large dogs, I am outside daily no matter what the weather brings. There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes;). 

3. The Menopause Manifesto

I would be remiss if I didn’t include my new favorite book, The Menopause Manifesto, by Dr. Jen Gunter. “Frank, funny and filled with practical, reassuring information, The Menopause Manifesto debunks misogynistic attitudes and challenges the over- mystification of menopause to reveal everything you really need to know about.

Menopause, until very recently, has been looked at by society like a disease rather than a stage in life that every woman goes through. I feel like it is just recently being talked about. Even on the Today Show about six months ago, they had a female doc talking about exercise and metabolism. While they didn’t use the word menopause in the segment they were speaking to women about the role of lean muscle and the effects on metabolism as it relates to the amount of muscle a a woman has. Menopause is not a disease, it is a planned change, like puberty. Like puberty we should educated on what is to come years in advance rather than leaving women on their own to figure it out. 

Again, this is why I created IGNITE THE FIRE! Each month contains new content touching upon the physical, emotional and practical fitness and nutrition that will help women crush it together! 

4. Beautycounter!!

I have been using Beautycounter products for 6 years!! I started using a few products here and there as I loved the mission of cleaner beauty products and I was always skeptical and nervous about trying any new skin care. Starting in my late 20’s I developed severe cystic acne. I was making monthly trips to the dermatologist for cyst injections that were not only painful but also time consuming and frustrating. My dermatologist never had any answers. “oh it’s hormonal and by the time you are 40 they’ll go away. A big NOPE!

In 2019 Beautycounter came out with it’s first anti-aging skincare line, Countertime. What I love about Beautycounter is the mission. My background as an educator fit perfectly. I love educating people about the importance of cleaner and safer skincare. Much like reading the ingredients of a processed food package, it’s important to know what you are putting on and in your skin, your largest organ.  Well after that I was hooked. I realized that I had been totally underhydrating my skin which in essence was the cause of my cystic acne. Very soon after I became a consultant and now my entire family has cleaned up their skin care as well as their make-up. 

5. Smokin Q’s Taco Tuesday 

Well I had to add to my top 5 one of my guilty pleasures and that would be Smokin’Q’s BBQ and Beer House. The restaurant opened in 2017 by local restaurateur Carl Quagliata and Zach Ladner, Executive Chef of Giovanni’s. Zach and I have done several Fitness and Brunch events together called Burpees and Brunch. Years ago Zach used to take my group fitness classes at Lifetime Fitness and one day after class he asked if I would ever be interested in collaborating. The rest was history… he is now one of my good friends and we love supporting his passion for locally sourced high quality ingredients he provides for all of his customers. 

Smokin Q’s serves $4 tacos on tacos, ranging from brisket, salmon, shrimp, perch, pork, chicken and even vegetarian as well as $6 house margaritas every Tuesday. If you are from the Cleveland area you might remember Fisher’s Tavern on SOM Center Rd. Smokin’Q’s is in the same location. The interior was gutted and the patio was expanded and enhanced with an outdoor fireplace and outdoor heaters. The ambiance is casual and has a very cozy feel with the charm of kitschy. The menu is creative, a combination of Texas comfort food and Texas smoked BBQ.

This is Hallie… I’m excited and a little scared to be joining this cohort - full transparency, I don’t really like exercise, kinda avoid it at all costs. And have a bad back/sacrum so I get hurt often. But this menopause thing is kicking my a** and I need to do something… So I am, with Jody and ITF. And reading these testimonials is helping quell my nerves. 


“I love this program so much. The workouts are fun, I learned new things and I noticed feeling stronger after the first month.”-Caitlin F.

“I loved the ability to do the workouts on my own time, with very little equipment. I also appreciated the accountability of the group-to support and inspire each other.” -Diana M.

“I realized that after taking a break from a fitness routine and relying on sports alone to stay in shape in my 50’s only made me weak and injury prone. Jody’s 12 week program ITF has been a perfect way to get back on the horse, build strength safely, meet other women with similar goals and learn amazing and helpful information regarding different stages on the menopause transition.” -Molly M.

“Ignite the fire is the only program I know that is built for specifically for women in my age range.  The workouts are manageable even with work and a family and has renewed my commitment to regular strength training.  I feel stronger and haven’t had this much energy in a long time.  The content helps explain the changes happening to your body and being someone who likes to understand the ‘why’, I really appreciate the information.” -Megan T.  

“I feel much better after participating in the ITF program. Jody gave me the confidence to lift heavy, keep going, and that I matter!  Jody treats the whole body - mind, body, and soul!!!” -Jodi F.

“Jody is supportive and up beat and always available to answer questions and be a cheerleader when you need it most!” -Marcy L.

“This has been the best way to push myself out of my comfort zone. I learned so much physiology and even psychology doing this program and Jody is seriously the best cheerleader wherever you are in your strength and conditioning journey.” -Jessica S.

“The camaraderie and sense of humor in the group was great encouragement and also very helpful as we often had similar questions and concerns. My balance, posture, strength and flexibility and yoga practice improved in ways I had not expected.” -Sarah H.

“When I think about how I was feeling after just one month I can say I was sleeping better and my energy was better throughout the day.I’m also making much better food choices”.-Jennifer C.

“The integration of mobility, strength training and nutrition, including timing of nutrition along with a supportive group to keep me accountable was extremely useful. The written content was concise and easy to understand, and Jody was always there to clarify movements, help with exercise modifications and to celebrate our successes.”-Holly L.